The Link Between Sex Trafficking and Abortion
Is there a link between sex trafficking and abortion? Read on to find the answer.
The Link Between Sex Trafficking and Abortion Read More »
Is there a link between sex trafficking and abortion? Read on to find the answer.
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Maybe you know the name Don Brewster from the movie Nefarious: Merchant of Souls, when he was interviewed about child sex trafficking in Cambodia. His involvement began after returning from a missions trip there. He and his wife, Bridgett discovered the horrors of child trafficking on a news program reporting about the area they had
Champion of Children Read More »
Hands down, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! Perhaps that’s because it’s all about family gathered around food. Simple—just involves lots of cooking. 😉 Some years back when my parents were living, my dad sat at one end of the Thanksgiving table. I’d pull out our best china with cloth napkins, my grandmother’s silverware, and crystal
The ancient Persian queen Esther stood in the gap to save the Jews from sure annihilation. What if a group of modern-day Esthers could come together on Yom Kippur, October 12th, to cry out for America in humility, fasting, and prayer on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.? Lou Engle and Jenny Donovan of Her
What’s your rate? Gracie: 80hh, 180h that work for u? That’ll work. Ok, where should I meet you? Gracie: I’m close to the city park, that ok with u? Yes. That’s good. Are the pictures really you? Gracie: Yes, baby those are me. You like what you see;) You’ve just been privy to a
Gracie Hits the Streets Read More »
They never thought it would touch them. Hurricanes typically don’t bother this tiny island, a jewel of the Caribbean that is home to some 350 people. But when it did come, it was a true terror, unlike anything they might have imagined. Everyone I talked with referred to the storm as “she,” and many sensed
The Lion in the Rubble Read More »
Today we’re opening up the odds ’n’ ends drawer to pull out some updates and news in the anti-trafficking world. Let’s take a look together. Up, Up, and Away Survivors often don’t have decent access to safe transport when leaving trafficking. Agencies helping them also find it difficult to find efficient and safe transport. Our
“He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, And He set my feet upon a rock making my foot steps firm.” Psalm 40:2 NASB David’s inspired words echo true to those once enslaved, now set free to progress in their own stories of redemption. Recently, I came across
In my childhood my parents only had to worry about my falling out of the hayloft, getting stung by bees, or bucked off a horse, but nary a thought about harm from a handheld device or screen. In those days a mouse lived in a barn and a keyboard was part of a typewriter. Today’s
You Mean Grandma’s House, the School Bus, and A Bedroom, All Have This in Common? Read More »
As a young girl, her father gave her strong words of encouragement: “You can do anything you want to if you want to do it bad enough.” Taking those words to heart, Leanna learned to fly a plane at nine years of age, helped her parents build houses, and became an accomplished horse woman. When
WIN on Another Border Read More »