
The Link Between Sex Trafficking and Abortion 

“You’re gonna die if you stay here,” the police told her. Jean had to get away from her violent trafficker, but no one would take her. She’d called 17 shelters, but all thought the risk too great for other residents. Finally, on the 18th call, she heard “yes, you can come” at the other end of the line. She knew nothing about New Hampshire, but that same day, she was on a plane to go there. 

Now, four months pregnant Jean wanted to have an abortion. If she had a baby girl, she couldn’t imagine her going through what she had experienced—molestation, rape and brutality at the hands of family and traffickers. 

The Link

“A ground-breaking study by the Beazley Institute found 66 human-trafficking survivors had a total of 114 abortions — 114 abortions among 66 women,” writes Patrina Mosley. 

If a girl becomes pregnant while she is trafficked, the trafficker typically wants her to abort the baby so she can keep working. The abortion industry is all too willing to accommodate access by trafficked victims, even those abused or underage. No questions asked. 

By forcing abortions the trafficker can continue to make money because he puts the girl “back on the streets.” These girls/women are doubly exploited through the abortion industry and sex trafficking. This is a crime against mother and baby. One victim said, “I was under serious pressure from my pimps to abort the babies.”

Both sex trafficking and abortion are billion dollar industries— 99 billion annual income for sex trafficking and Planned Parenthood a leading abortion provider brags an annual revenue of 1.6 billion. It’s about the dollar, not the person. 

Behind Closed Doors

Several undercover investigations have documented Planned Parenthood’s failure to report rape, as well as its aiding and abetting of sex-trafficking.” A Planned Parenthood doctor who was a buyer of sex offered back door abortions, aiding the exploitation by traffickers.

Planned Parenthood aids and abets sex traffickers by not reporting abuse. In an undercover investigation, a worker even suggested other ways a girl could bring in money for the two weeks after an abortion. “You could work from the waist up.”

One survivor was forced to get a hysterectomy because after six abortions, she had severe infections from scar tissue. If she wanted children, she could no longer have them. There is also loss from miscarriages when teens or women are beaten, kicked in the stomach, and violated. 

Devastating to a woman’s soul and body, the reality is this is not a choice for many trafficked women and costs  innocent lives. We need true justice to arise and stand against sex trafficking and abortion.

What about Jean? 

Once in New Hampshire Jean was referred to House of Hope New Hampshire where she would meet founding director, Phyllis Phelps.

“I’ll be here for you.” Phyllis reassured Jean, who saw something different in Phyllis that she wanted. After receiving an ultrasound and hearing the baby’s heartbeat, Jean decided to keep her baby. Yes!

“Now what?” She asked Phyllis. Phyllis introduced her to a man she could finally trust—Jesus. The cleansing and washing presence of the Holy Spirit flooded her. Jean Davis is now thriving and the Executive Director of Branches Pregnancy Resource Center in Brattleboro, Vermont. She’s an advocate for those that are homeless, trafficked, or facing an unplanned pregnancy. Life won over death and now she’s sharing it with others. 


Lord, both abortion and sex trafficking harbor a spirit of death. We cancel the assignment of this spirit over our nation and the lives of those being trafficked. We plead the blood of Jesus to cover every mom and baby. 

Let the funds be dried up to Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities.  Cause conviction to fall on the workers to report the abuse and underage girls they are seeing. Expose every vile plan to kill, steal, and destroy life brought on by the collusion of traffickers and abortion clinics. 

We look to you King Jesus and to the day when  abortions are banned in this country. You can bring about this seemingly impossible gift. We speak your life over our land and your daughters. In Jesus name. Amen!

Abortion And Sex Trafficking Are Undeniably Linked Abuses Against Women (frc.org) Patrina Mosley, January 31, 2020

Brad Mattes (host) January 17, 2025 The Connection Between Abortion and Sex Trafficking. Podcast Straight Talk on Life Issues

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